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DataConnect supports the Full Experience with MySQL. DataConnect currently only connects to MySQL using the official ODBC driver.

Create a New Connection

To create a connection to MySQL, make sure you are on the Connections tab. Then press the (+) icon at the very left hand side of the window.

Give your Connection a Name and Type

You then need to give your connection a name, and optionally a description.

Connection Type

With MySQL, DataConnect requires you connect using ODBC.

Select the Connection Type 'ODBC Connections'.

You have a choice of MySQL ODBC drivers, for remote and local installations, and versions 2.50, 3.51 and 5.1. Chose the driver that best suits your situation.

The only different between local and remote connections, is that remote offers the 'port' option.

Connection Parameters

Server is the name or IP address of your server.

For remote servers, Port is the port on which MySQL is listening. The default is 3306.

User and Password are your username and password.

Database is the name of the database catalog you would like to access.

All the other options are advanced, and should only be used by advanced users.

Testing and Saving

You need to press the Test Connection button. This will indicate whether or not DataConnect can connect to your MySQL database. COmmon problems would be incorrect username and password, incorrect server name and incorrect port.

Once you have succesfully tested your connection, you must press the Save button to store your connection.